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Moonlight Monday: Cub Scout Pack 60

  • Moonlight Pizza & Brewpub 242 F Street Salida, CO, 81201 United States (map)

10% of the days total sales will be donated to: Cub Scout Pack 60

Mission Statement: Pack 60's goals are to provide a safe place for kids aged K-5th grade to grow as individuals. The Pack works to develop their character through citizenship, personal fitness, learning activities, and mold them into future community members. Cub Scouts' purpose is to be an opportunity for kids to become stewards of the outdoors, develop academic, social, and outdoor skills and build self-confidence.

Pack 60 helps with several community service events throughout the year. The Pack offers their services to the local 505 Elks Lodge to distribute food baskets and toys at Christmas, help move the Christmas trees for the annual row of trees at Riverside Park. The scouts help put out flags at the local cemetery for Memorial Day along with providing scouts to help with the annual Flag Day ceremony for the Elks. The Pack has helped empty trash receptacles at the 4H fair & rodeo along with helping the local Rotary's Annual Duck Race fundraiser.

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Full Moon

May 15

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